Handling Systems reduces the multiple handling of trays in the nursery, reducing the physical demands on highly trained staff while providing substantial labour and energy savings and increasing productivity. Williames Handling Systems are integrated into the Williames Seeding Lines.

Williames Nursery Racks are designed for trays to slide on and off a bench or conveyor for automated loading and unloading and with the ability to stack racks on top of each other. Racks include self-locating tags for lifting are built from robust materials and have a long working life. Steel racks made of hot-dipped galvanized for maximum protection against corrosion means reliability and high productivity. They can be designed to suit any specific tray type. There is the option to make racks from steel or aluminium.

Williames Rolling Benches have self-locating rollers for rolling benches.


Rolling Benches
Stackable Racks










Have a question? Want a quote? Enquire below!

Williames Pty Ltd
ABN 42 004 320 834
103 Butlers Track, Warragul    Vic   3820
tel:        +61(3) 5623 5755
fax:       +61(3) 5623 5165
email:  sales@whti.com.au
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 Copyright © 2016 Site designed by Bruce Langdon Design